What is the law of abundance?



THOSE who follow the Law of Abundance believe that there is an unlimited source of everything we need, all the time.

Everything you want is at your fingertips, but you have to learn how to access these endless resources.


The law of plenty claims there is enough for everyone

How does the law of abundance work?

Much like the Law of Attraction, the Law of Abundance theory is all about controlling our thoughts. The Law of Abundance states that there is enough money, food, opportunity, love, compassion, welfare, and light for all of us.

Those who believe in the law think that life is abundant, you will begin to experience the abundance and see it in mankind.

Changing your perception to see the world as full and without limits will help you manifest your goals.

If you believe that there is a cure for a certain disease in the universe, you will actively seek that cure and take the time to find it. This is when the law of action comes into play.

How can we practice the Law of Abundance?

Those who follow the Law of Plenty theory believe that in order to reap the fruits of the Law of Plenty, you must assess your attitude.

If you find yourself stuck in a withdrawal mentality, believing that there isn’t enough in the world for you, take a step back. Look at the beauty around you and remember that the universe is full of opportunities for everyone. This awareness can change your life.

When you think about your goals, you have to make a decision. Decide that you will be successful in doing what you want to do.

If you think that money is scarce, it will be difficult for you to acquire great wealth. But if you believe it to be abundant, you will be more likely to do the things that ensure its acquisition.

Stop doubting yourself and start believing that you can have anything you want. In the words of Lindsey Lohan Bad girls character; “The limit does not exist.”

How can I use the other universal laws to my advantage?

Although more rooted in philosophy than in fact, Universal Laws can help you live a fulfilling and peaceful life.

They offer insight into the manifestation of goals and allow us to understand why we are where we are.

If we harness the power of each law, we can feel freer.

12 universal laws

The 12 Universal Laws Are A Form Of Freedom Meditation From Ancient Hawaiian Culture

  • 12 universal laws:
  • Law of vibrations
  • Law of attraction
  • Law of unity
  • Compensation Law
  • Law of gender
  • Law of cause and effect
  • Law of relativity
  • Law of Polarity
  • Law of rhythm
  • Correspondence law
  • Law of inspired action

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